Thursday, September 6, 2007


EC3322 Tutorial is driving me crazy... got no idea how to do bertrand equilibirum questions... and stuck a bit on mix strategy game... and this tutorial which i gonna hand will entitle me 10% of my module grade... God pls help me! enlighten me! But somehow i like EC3322 just that is kind of tough.... EC2303 i am so lost now... guess gotta mug that module real soon....

Now kind of feel half =) half =( .... yeah as usually trying my very best and struggling to be hopeful in certain areas of my life.... yeah... somethings really cannot be hasty.... well well well.... is has been my prayer occasionally.... recently more frequently.... many bad experiences really set u in doubt of being sucessful in that area... but at the end still gotta be hopeful... good things are worth to wait.... hope it will happen in a good way too.... so many things yet hard to articulate.... sometimes u want to have someone to go travelling with u.... sometimes u want to have someone go diving with u.... sometimes u want that someone will be there when u are weary.... sometimes u want to have someone doing sweet things.... sometimes u want to have ppl to share ur dream, desires and problem... sometimes u want to have a tangible one to be just there for u.... yeah hahaha.... the list goes on and on.... but well still gotta hang on.... one day it shall come to past and at the same time developing myself to for it.... Yeah just some rantings... Im tired but still gotta stand up and keep walking... but i am really glad that things are improving throughout the years... learn a lot of lessons... living everyday afresh....

Yupz i been a long time i could be really happy.... school work is pressing on me.... I will survive!