The Daily Scoop
Wow time flies fast... Its already mid week... school is getting more and more intense soon... next week gotta start mugging for mid terms for my EC2373 and EC2303... and also upcoming tutorial 3 for EC3322, SSD2210 Tutorial group presentation... kicking in for the next 3 weeks... yupz...
Anyway looking for lunch Khakis on Monday 12pm to 3pm, Tuesday after 2pm and Wednesday 12pm to 1pm and after 2pm.... yeah interested party can tag me lol! hahahah especially monday and tuesday very boring... week 5 still cannot really find ppl to eat...
Peirong asked me whether i wanna go work and travel in USA... i was thinking should i go or not? Cos if i were to go, i will be missing out Arts Camp and Oweek... which i love a lot... and i gotta rasie 1k plus to go for the work.... so seriosuly thinking now... cos i would love to go USA and travel! somemore now got frens wanna go... how? hmmmm.... oh yah... wanna thank Adeline and Bennet for the lunch session and went to The Daily Scoop with Adeline for an ice cream session... cos i was not very sure how to go and she kindly volunteer herself to bring me there... hahaha thanks girl! =) hahaha on the way met my Kai Xin Guo!! Sharon and Elaine!!! yeah =)So now kind of feeling happier... but still hahaha... still trying to cope with the issues.... yupz... Azaa Azaa!!! =)