Friday, November 30, 2007

Blinds in Life

Excessive mugging and long idling between papers has really set my brain in thoughts and being philosophical ... suddenly while i was buying lunch halfway walking back home... a thought suddenly struck my mind... this thought was triggered off by thinking about someone whom i know around me who is rather i should say sensative... indeed life has many blinds as we go thru the journey of life... is like sometimes we dun strike a balance in our doing, thoughts and feelings... as a result we are blinded as we swing towards the extreme and neglect the other dimension of life...

Is like most working ppl or even students that life pace is so fast that you neglect about things around u... like family, relationships, friendship and leisure..... is like travelling in a car that is so fast that ur sight is so narrow and things beside are just blur due to the speed of the car or doing diving where the limited visibility blocks u from seeing wonderful marine life which might be a few metres away but unable to see it due to the poor visibility.... as a result many ppl are burnt out, fustrated, depressed and totally give up of wad they are called to do in life.... maybe the environment we live in are circumstances that force us to be like this as this society is focus on meritocracy.... and everyone is fighting hard in the rat race to be successful and wealthy and in uni life the bell curve where the stress comes from competition among peers rather than academic work.... and many the times a lot of other social factors that being a human is neglected... some even go against thier consciences and do wrong things to get their desire fulfilled....

Just blogged this out of my thoughts as i see ppl around me got burnt out.... got so resentful about life.... failed relationships.... indeed balance is the key of life... everything in life needs balance... an unbalance between work and rest or family might be the reason why communication breaks down and emotions went haywired during fatique and more, being rational and feelings in relationship like some ppl look for partners totally on citeria machiam like looking for maid or the other extreme totally based on feelings when themselves are blinded and find a wrong person which abuses them, and even in religion spirituality and humanity which u see some ppl go towards the extremes and become weird ppl or flaky ppl....

Hahah anyway this is just some random thoughts about life which i at times do thought of it... but i just didn't blog cos such thoughts just comes very random like in Buses, Trains, Church, School and even walking.... then when i reach home i tend to forget about it.... well think gotta hit my notes again for my EC2303 paper...