Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Meritocracy and Human Imperfection

Meritocracy is good to encourage people to acheive better results but meritrocracy can be harmful when human imperfection comes in such a way that people start to fight against one another in performance... everyman for themselves.... doing things to put ppl behind them and more... quite scary but is true in mordern society now... where love grows cold in compeition and human living in a much stressful environment which kiasuism is being birth forth part of it... which such phenomenon can be called over compeitivness.. like parents want to sent thier children to top schools... acheive gd results by making them attend endless tuitions and more... thats y due to meritocracy our children is suffering...

Morale of the story: Meritocracy is gd to make onself to improve and be recongised by thier effort... but it should not be done extremely which result in over competitiveness due to selfishness and pride....

Random thoughts generated due to examination stress...