Geri's 21st Bday Celebration
Group Photo with Birthday Girl in the nice pretty dress in the middle
Anyway was going through quite a emotional testing time... but im ok now =) wanna thank all the fren that lend me thier listening ears... Thank you!!! anyway this holiday starting to be busy... not with work... but with Camps and O Week... like this week is Arts Pre Camp, NUS Emerge Cluster Dinner and Cellgroup plus planning of the upcoming NUS Lost Camp by CHCers as a deputy Programmes IC... and upcoming weeks will be Arts Camp, Event company work for a week, Dive Camp, NUS CHCers Camp and O week will be busy as Treasurer... Feel kind of Challenged to take up a few projects... really wanna develop myself and put myself into use at the same time contribute as much as i could... wanna take this time make more frens and be a blessing too... Yeah will be back after precamp to update more... sorry if my blog got a bit boring... when i have the time will squeeze some creative juice to make it more interesting :p... anyway below is a interesting picture i got from other ppl's Blog... hahaha kind of funny...

Hahah Tiko Toilet Sign...