Job Search
Job search so far has been tough in such period... all the companies whom express interest recruiting me are financial planning and wealth managament... which somehow i am not interested in... today i received a call from a recruitment agency whom arranged an interview with me being a business development manangement trainee... my very first interview... i should give a shot to it... if success gd... if not is my chance to get exposed to a formal interview with an employer... so far been sending out resumes after resumes... job application is a tedious job and very demoralising if companies dun get back to u after sending 10s and 20 application which u need to fill them up online one by one over and over again...
Recently i am very lost especially when NUS school term starts... now currently i am involved in Run NUS and it seems dat i can't bear to leave school.... NUS is a place i really experience a lot of changes in my life.... really been thru a lot academically and also emotionally.... i really really hope once i step in work life i can find a new meaning of life once again... or even be back to the positive me... there is a lot of things on my mind... but i guess i am not going to share here cos there are many F**kers out there.... so well if u really wanna know u gotta dig it out from me personally...