Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2 Mid Term Test

Sunday was the F1 Singapore Grand Prix.... F1 is indeed great... loud engines... ear deafening sound... was really glad my gd fren cat lover Alicia watched with me... hahaha at least got company... was a very drama mama race... indeed the last become the first... but while i was watching F1 i missed the whale shark in Dayang which Perry's group saw it... I want to see whaleshark!!! but in the name of 2 mid term tests... i felt i am forgiven choice man...

During Monday... taking 2 Mid term test on the same day which is both level 3000 econs is never a gd idea... but well this sem so unfortunate i kena... which both papers i concluded dat i did very badly.... worst performance ever... i tried hard to study for it... but still cannot make it.... sighz... well.. but when i step in and do the paper... i can't answer the questions... =( Now just finish the presentation slides for GEK module... I need to prepare the script soon for this friday presentation... with all these work plus the emotional baggage i been carrying... yeah stress is really written on my face by having pimple outbreaks....

Finally today i can really take a breather and life seems back to normal... life for me has been sitting by the side watching... but it is never as gd as be in the place urself... been on the bench for long long time... when will breakthough come? i wonder...