A Week of Leave
Exhausted! Yes I am very tired... I dunno why I am not able to sleep well after sports camp even though I only have average of 2-3hrs of sleep... I was totally zonk out at work and also emo... After a week of excitment and fun.. finally I am back to reality... and indeed reality is harsh... cleared many emails today and I seem not able to focus due to the fatigue... today is also the day I worked in my new office... Is pretty troublesome to get breakfast, lunch and fetch ice cold water as everything seems to be very far... =( I really hope I can sleep well tonight and get used to the new office soon...
Sports Camp 2010 is indeed a fun camp with lots of fun ppl... I would like to congratulate Aayush and Kah Hwee for a successful Sports Camp... I would also like to thank them together with Runi and Boon Hui for giving me a chance to take photos for the camp.... I had fun for the week with the camp and I felt my leave was worth taken... I made many new frens especially with the O comm... you guys rock! =) I also learn a lot while shooting for the camp... hope my skills can improve after sports camp and also lynette's birthday...