Finally after 2 months of searching after the end of Sports Camp Part 2... i finally found a job.... going to start work on 5th of October.... which means i got another 7 more days to enjoy freedom doing my own things in the weekdays.... which now i have been thinking how should i spent my weekdays well....
Well not kind of feeling neither here nor there... is like all my frens are busy with thier mid terms and assignments... and i am not working now.... this transition period seems to pull me down a lot.... which kind of feel =( instead of doing nothing... i try to start exercising and my fitness seems to imrpove... from the first time running 3km in 19mins to now 13:56mins and 2.4km in 11:05mins (35secs away from personal best in secondary 4 which i got gold)... and lost about 2kg in just 1 week.... i also tried swimming for 1km and ran 3km... if not 5km run which i can run in about 25mins....
Anyway i hope i can adapt well in my new job and do well in it.... =) will try to update soon =)