Sunday, January 25, 2009

25 Things About Me

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you! I.......

1) don't eat veges, seafood, mutton, fruits (especially durians) and hates alcohol cos is so bitterz... Yucks

2) hates insects especially the one that flies including cockroaches that flies.

3) was never attached before aka. evergreen (some ppl dun believe i never had a gf before) and wish to marry before the age of 30

4) loves ice cream, chocolates, waffles, pancakes... i got sweet tooth !(oh i dun like to eat sweet surprisingly)

5) was a Sea Cadet in NCC and eventually become a Cadet Officer which i wore the Navy No. 1 holding a sword during NCC day as Guard of Honour and thats my greatest moment in life.

6) first crush was in primary 5 (yet once again) and her name is Hui Ju. A sweet tanned girl with a beautiful smile (right now i still remember her looks and her smile!).

7) snatched the whole plate of biscuits during Nursery days and labeled as a selfish boy LOL!

8) made a teacher cry before.

9) wants to be a president when he was a small boy.

10) stole a toy plane before when he was 2 years old.

11) used a pair of scissors and cut his face before during the eve of Chinese New Year.

12) poo in the sea before... hur hur =X

13) was once 81kg with a whooping 34inches waist.

14) drank 15 cups of milo from the milo truck without stopping.

15) underwent 4 surgeries that require full or general anesthesia.

16) hates sleeping in aircon rooms.

17) won his first medal (Silver) during secondary 2 for Kayaking Singles during his NCC days

18) become a divemaster when he never thought of being one before in the past...

19) loves Jack russell terriers and also loves to travel and dive his whole life

20) learn to ride a bicycle without falling

21) dialled 995 before in a real emergency

22) never sprain his ankle before

23) was hit by the bus side mirror while waiting for a bus at the bus stop and almost got rammed by a speeding van crossing the road, which the van misses me an inch and the lights are red...

24) has stage frights since the incident during primary 2

25) love language is physical touch (i.e hugs and holding hand) and quality time... oh my they are so girl girl one... i suspect i had too much Soya beans that my testosterone are affected.


After so many years... i am still waiting for the sun to shine one day.... but the sun seem not able to shine one day...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pressed Down

1 Week of School has passed.... Lessons, Sports Camp O comm recruitment and thoughts of Chinese New Year Shopping which i have not done any eats up my time and energy.... a lot of things are still hanging in the air like my module tutorial balloting... Moving house issues... and now i starting to plan my lunch meetings.... which i doubt i can find anyone... cos this sem timing is really very off... and i dread Wednesdays cos i gonna have 4hr break doing nothing... and on top of all these, problems which yet to resolve also adds in the pressure.... how i wish i can find a place to hide....

Monday, January 12, 2009

Back To School

Finally backed to school... kind of feeling a little worn out and down... cos i have the feeling of coming back to reality and why the hell i am back in school kind of feeling... suddenly pace of life picks up like a might rush of wind and not long ago life was easy and relaxing during the Sipadan Trip.... had a wonderful Trip with Euming and the rest of the company... wanna thank boon kiat for doing all the admin and aliasing work... well done... pictures will be out soon... give me a few days as i am caught in a process of settling down as i just came back Singapore.... guess i going to have a rough journey ahead as i have very intensive modules to tackle... modules i doing are

EC3382 - Transport Economics I
EC3371 - Developmental Economics I
GE3226 - Tourism Development
GEk2507 - Computational Methods For Basic Finance

Also i gotta settle moving of house in March plus sports camp planning... so is like i got so many things to juggle..... pfft.... and today i learn something new and is very true for me.... ppl value lost more than gain....

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year, New Life

Just Some Updates... the past few weeks i thank God dat is it rather fulfilling and busy... First was the JB Trip which we watch Yes Man for like 6RM at City Square... even cheaper than buying DVD.... we also had some nice food and massage while shopping around... had a great company like Willis, Miq, Ashton and Pamela...

Next was New yr Eve visit to Frolicks to visit my 2 dear frens Merissa and Georgina... wah... i had a nice cup of yogurt thanks to them! hahah you 2 rock man!

After Frolicks i went for a CG gathering at Serangoon, which is Clara house.. nice food and house.... after that i went back to Holland V to meet Ade and Gang for new yr eve count down... had a great time and company also... we had our own countdown and champange toast.... had a great new eye eve...

After New year eve... Met Heng Yee for Popeyes! long time no see her... wah she drives a car of her own now... envious sia... how i wish i got my own car too! and the next day went Sentosa with Miq Bright and Emiko to Sentosa!!! had some gd sharing and chat.... you guys rock!

On Sat .... Finally Met up with SC 08 O comm after so long.... had a BBQ nite and manage to catch up with one another... wann thank mich heng and Runi for organising the BBQ... next time can come my new hse for BBQ!

Talking about new House... i went to my new house before i went East coast for the BBQ.... was a nice house with a nice balcony... looking forward to move in although commuting might be more hassling than my current house.... and my new hse has an oven... cool! can bake cookies soon!... so it will be another 3 months in JW for me... so my dear JW naybors! lets meet up soon!!!

Anyway going to dive in Sipadan tml!!! gonna take some photos and chill at the resort... hope interesting marine life visits the dive site and a great company ahead!! will be updating what i wish for this coming yr! cya!